Time away from the workplace hits women’s confidence twice as hard as men, report finds

A report by WPI Strategy for Vodafone has found that time spent away from the workplace could lead to a significant loss in confidence, with figures revealing that women are twice as likely as men to be impacted.

The report also finds that women returning to work are likely to face bigger challenges when it comes to balancing caring responsibilities and meeting the cost of childcare.

The findings are part of a study which examines how employers need to go further to support the millions of people returning to work after an extended period away.

The findings may also have implications for the millions of furloughed workers and those returning to the workplace after more than a year of remote working.

The report includes polling from Survation of more than 1,000 people who had returned to work after an absence of a year or more.

Key findings include:

  • Over a third (37%) of those returning to the workplace after a year or more away experience a loss of confidence in their own ability. This loss of confidence is almost twice as prevalent for women as for men, with 42% of women lacking confidence in their own ability compared to 24% of men.

  • Just under a third (31%) of women returners said they found it hard to reacclimatise to working life following such a long break, compared to 25% of men.

  • 71% of returners said they felt cut off from the world of work during their time away from it, with younger workers aged 18-24 particularly impacted (74%, compared to 65% of those aged 45-64).

While the polling explored the views of people who may have taken time out of work before the pandemic, it could be highly relevant for the millions of people across the UK who have been out of an office environment or furloughed during Covid19.

The research also finds that women returning after a career break face bigger challenges than men in balancing work with caring responsibilities and meeting the cost of childcare:

  • Balancing work with caring responsibilities was a challenge for 41% of returners, and was felt more keenly by women (45%) than men (30%).

  • 40% of all returners said the cost of childcare was a challenge. This was cited by 46% of women returners, compared to 23% of men.

“As a society, we can and must do more to make it easier for people who have taken a career break to re-enter the workplace, once they are ready,” said Helen Lamprell, General Counsel and External Affairs Director Vodafone UK.

“Supporting returners helps organisations bridge skills shortages and improve retention and diversity, while supporting those individuals and the wider economy. As workplaces continue to adapt and evolve, it is the responsibility of employers to support returners both while they are away and once they return.”

The report highlights the need to support returners, and especially female returners who have the potential to contribute over £1 billion to the UK economy, and to make sure the challenges they face are properly addressed.

The report argues that employers and the government need to provide greater support to encourage people who may have taken a career break back into the workforce; and calls for the Government to allocate part of the £2.5bn National Skills Fund to help returners develop the appropriate skills.

“Right now, it is more important than ever to ensure that women returning to work can do so with confidence that they will be supported in inclusive workplaces,” said Professor Rosie Campbell, Director of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.

“The economic fallout from the COVID19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on women and remedying this will be essential to economic recovery. This report shows that a renewed emphasis on employee engagement and wellbeing, and that supporting those who have taken time out of their careers, must be at the heart of recruitment and retention strategies going forward.”

The report also calls on employers to be open-minded about gaps in individuals’ CVs during the recruitment process and provide additional support systems for returners. The reports also reflects on the benefits of remote and flexible working seen during the pandemic, and suggests these should, where feasible, continue post-pandemic.


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