Why there doesn't need to be a you for real life and another version for business

Have you ever felt like you’re trying everything to fit into the business and entrepreneur world? A pressure to be and act like somebody else? Trying to be someone you’re not as you feel that’s what you need to be successful? 

Well, it’s time to change how you see your brand and what it can be, and that’s where Nicki James comes in; empowering you to open up your eyes to what building a brand is all about.

Founder of Just Brand You, Nicki James, is a personal brand strategist and champion for female entrepreneurs, this year she became a global bestselling author with her book ‘Just Brand You’, helping success-hungry entrepreneurs and business leaders define, become and live their brand, while being true to who they are.

Nicki was challenged to step out of her comfort zone and into her potential by her Gran, who saw more in Nicki and encouraged her to do more and be more, from a total place of love – she would say; “be a little more you and a lot less them”.  Betty took Nicki aside and told her she was destined for greater things and she wasn’t wrong, Nicki now runs a multi 6-figure personal branding business and has experienced highs of 50K months. 

However, Nicki hasn’t always had a voice. The 6-year-old version of her had it drilled in to her it was ‘better to be seen and not heard’ and that it was indeed safer to keep quiet and hide, thanks to growing up with an alcoholic father with aggressive tendencies - blending into the background and hiding was actually a honed skill and very much her coping mechanism - something that was further accentuated when she experienced bullying at school. It’s taken Nicki a lot of personal development work to fight against this intrinsic belief that it’s not safe to stand out, and she sees many of her clients struggle with deep-rooted beliefs from past experiences that are also keeping them hidden.

Nicki is now on a mission to release the magic of others in business by giving them permission to be themselves - show up, get visible and kick imposter syndrome into touch. “I learnt a long time ago that you can’t hide behind logos and websites. You have to be seen, be heard and use who you are to help and attract your client.  Women have a right to step into their genius, celebrate themselves, own their purpose and be true to who they are!” 

Nicki said; “I see people physically relax and breathe a sigh of relief when I say; ‘there doesn't need to be a you for real life and another version for business’ - this approach is exhausting.  

“There is no mask to be worn here. You don’t need to become something you are not. The most successful business owners I know are just owning who they are and rocking it. It’s about working out why you are special and different to everyone else that does what you do and showing that every single day.” 

Nicki’s 3-step signature system is; Define Brand You, Become Brand You and Live Brand You.  “It crucial that we are seen and heard for the experts we are, this is how we truly step into our power.” Nicki has applied this exact same process to her journey, and the journey’s of her amazing clients ranging from celebrities, powerful women and the incredible small-businesses in her group programs, enabling them to achieve their goals.

“Finding complete clarity on who you are and what you offer enables you to become a client magnet and create your own path to success that transforms your business by being the most authentic and honest version of who you truly are.”

Here’s Nicki’s 5 top tips on how to be ‘a little more you and a lot less them’:

  1. It is absolutely essential to be YOU to be happy, successful and fulfilled - the rocket fuel that helps you fly - is YOU! The starting point is to define who you are and bring that to the table with your brand, gaining a real understanding and unlocking of what makes you special and confidently living this. Embrace your individual magic - the secret sauce needed to grow a business isn’t the latest ‘marketing magic’ - but your own individual magic.

  2. It’s time to remove those masks - I am passionate about fighting against the misconception that you need a split personality as a business owner - one person for work, one person for home – you have everything it takes to be a successful business woman.

  3. Seek support - I share on stages and platforms across the globe and in my book about my own story of overcoming my fears of been seen. Blending into the background was my coping mechanism. It’s taken me a lot of personal development work to fight against this intrinsic belief that it’s not safe to stand out, and I see many of my clients struggle with deep-rooted beliefs from past experiences, that are also keeping them hidden or wearing masks. It’s important to seek support if you feel parts of your belief system is holding you back – don’t let imposter syndrome win - it’s crucial to stand out and stand up when starting out.

  4. Find the courage to be all-out YOU – there’s no point allowing your past to define your future and there’s no point letting anyone else do that for you. It’s time to love who you are and what you stand for and powerfully communicate this through genuinely showcasing your values, qualities and real character, rather than showcasing some over polished, sculpted corporate version of you.

  5. Start building connections by telling your story. It’s true there will be a million people who can teach what you teach, there is no such thing as new news, but there is ONLY one you. So how do you stand out amongst your competitors? Especially when they might have more experience than you? You need to use your story and the journey you’ve been on so far as this is your individuality in a crowded market. It’s a way for you to teach your lessons in a way no one else can. You can use your story to help people to identify with you and relate to you. When people feel a connection with you they are more likely to buy.

To find out more about Nicki please visit her website Just Brand You. You may also be interested in her best-selling book ‘Just Brand You™: Unlock your full potential and transform your business by building a brand that looks, feels and sounds like you’ - available via Amazon.


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