Up and running: How Laura Briggs made time for what she loves

Life is intense at the best of time and finding time for doing what you love, alongside looking after a family and a business is entirely possible - if you make it a lifestyle choice.

Laura Briggs always loved running, but never seemed to have time for it.

Until she looked at it from a different perspective.

My life is mostly frenetic.

Being a director of my own communications company, and having two young children, means like most working mums I’m either trying to put my car keys in the fridge, or forgetting what I just went upstairs for.

I’ve always loved running, but finding time for it outside work without it impacting too heavily on family time was always a juggling act. Running was definitely the thing that had to fit in around everything else.

When I started working with more running and fitness brands, it took a bit of a turn. I was immersed in the subject through work and it inspired me that little bit more to get outside a run more.

Training for ultra-marathon distances meant that I had to make running part of my day, no matter what. I could get up at 5am, run, and be back before anyone noticed.

And equally, I could run at lunchtime, or late at night.

Getting into a rhythm and learning that my running is as part of my lifestyle as eating and sleeping, gave me more of a reason to get out there.

By being consistent and understanding that having that time for me was just as important as everyone else’s needs, really focused me.

Now running dovetails perfectly with my work – I write about it, I’m the Running Mayor of Somerset, my children love running, and my health has benefited too!

If you love doing something – you must make time for it.

Laura Briggs is the founder and director of Briggs Communications, a PR and Communications service working with SMEs, global brands, and individuals who need help with their messaging, press, copywriting and brand profiling.

Find Laura on Instagram here.


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