How to turn pain into purpose and wounds into wealth

Feeling stuck in your career? CEO Natasha Bray shares how she turned her pain into PURPOSE and wounds into WEALTH.

A tenacious change-maker, just 4 years ago Natasha was a single mum on maternity leave as a social worker wondering how to create a business that could give her flexibility around her new baby. She felt ready to take control back of her life, or so she thought, having spent tens of thousands of pounds on her own recovery process from childhood trauma.

She launched a side hustle where she made and sold health products from her kitchen and whilst she made a good living that supported her and her son, she experienced much feast and famine in her business, and found herself self-sabotaging not only her business growth, but also relationships when things were going well, driven by her underlying ingrained belief that ‘it’s not safe to have success’ and ‘you can’t have money and love’ - beliefs established from her childhood trauma of being abused through her childhood and teenage years, and being bullied at school.

Today Natasha’s celebrating being a 7-figure business owner, has bought her dream home during Covid and has just announced her pregnancy with her partner - she is the happiest she has ever felt.

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She has found her purpose, helping others to move forward from being trapped by their previous traumas, bringing together all her values and knowledge to create real impact. This month she has showcased 16 other incredible women in her best selling book ‘When Women Heal’ which was created whilst coaching them through the power of sharing their stories, to fundraise for NAPAC - National Association for People Abused in Childhood, a charity that supports survivors of childhood abuse.

She said: ”This year after doing more and more work on my own healing, and unlocking new levels of my own success I have created the life of my dreams, and it is no co-incidence I have also helped more clients than ever create theirs. From being trapped by trauma to finding the confidence to grow businesses and create financial independence I’ve seen women on their knees go on to build 6 and multi-6 figure businesses provide a better life and future for themselves and their children and create lives they love they feel in control of.” 

So what’s the secret? 

Natasha has drawn on her personal experience of healing from chronic childhood trauma and abuse and has spent thousands of hours developing her own healing methods which are now being shared across the world helping other women become successful and balanced financially, emotionally and spiritually. Her approach is ‘trauma and attachment informed' and includes an innovative combination of hypnotherapy, inner child healing and spiritual techniques. With over 15 years’ experience in transformational work, working with thousands of entrepreneurs across 52 countries worldwide, Natasha helps high achievers and rising leaders heal childhood wounds and rapidly unlock their “Ultimate Uplevel” through her signature healing method HeartHealing® and her uniquely developed 5 level healing approach, Success Imprinting®.

One of her approaches via HeartHealing® is to disable the saboteurs that live within ourselves. Since healing her ‘Hustler Success Sabateur’ which saw her at risk of burnout because she believed she’d lose everything she’d worked for if she didn’t work 24/7, she has seen huge her monthly income more than triple and says ‘I can tell you the financial shifts come from the inner shifts. Take rest days for example, something I have started to do since healing ‘my Hustler’. Those days are my biggest income days. One day where I had 2 naps, and was course writing, I made $55k in sales from a few emails and social media posts. This is all connected to me stopping blocking my success, and opening up to receiving - something I have only been able to do since creating a new Wealth Imprint that transformed my mind and heart on an energetic and soul level. It's a state of being and receiving that you enter when you feel worthy and deserving of it - essential if you are to turn your pain into PURPOSE and wounds into WEALTH - because I will let you in on a secret, true wealth is not just about transforming your relationship with money. Its about transforming your relationship with YOU.

To me, wealth is time, my health and my family. Not just the money - and deciding to look after all of these areas of my life, having done the work to feel worthy of happiness, has been truly life changing”. So my question to you is... what would happen in YOUR life and business if you truly felt like you matter, you are worthy and you deserve to have it all…..?…because you do.

Natasha Bray is a fast growing CEO, psychology expert and Award Winning Success Mastery Coach & Transformational Pioneer.  She is the innovator of unique and multi-dimensional methods: HeartHealing and Success Imprinting, combining deep therapeutic work, spiritual techniques, coaching and mentoring to help women in business heal childhood traumas such as severe abuse and bullying that are impacting their ability to reach their full potential in their businesses and lives. She is also a 3 times globally best-selling author and her future plans include setting up her own foundation supporting women from abusive backgrounds emotionally & financially to start up businesses. 


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