The 3 barriers holding women back in business  

Words by Melitta Campbell, Executive Business Coach 

The Gender Index recently analysed UK companies and found that women-led businesses had an average annual turnover of £1.3 million, compared with £3.1 million for male-led companies[i]

Why do women-led businesses lag behind their male counterparts? After interviewing more than 100 successful female entrepreneurs about what it really takes to succeed on my Driven Female Entrepreneur podcast, I’ve identified three barriers which often hold women back.  

Women Don’t Ask 

 Many women find it awkward to ask for help. But it’s essential when you run your own business, as no one succeeds alone.  One of the ways to overcome this is to take a close look at what help would be most beneficial, or where others could free up your time, mind space and complement your skills and knowledge. 

 Also, spend some time examining your to-do list.  Is everything on your list playing to your strengths, moving your business forward or supporting your wellbeing? If you answered ’no’ to any of these questions, consider delegating these or removing them altogether.     

It needn’t be expensive to get help. For instance, you could consider hiring an intern, or asking friends or family for assistance. Focusing your time and energy on the areas that matter most and letting others help can transform how you work, which could ultimately transform your business. 


Striving for Perfection 

Decades of being underestimated and overlooked has pushed many women to aim for perfection or do more than is required. But since perfection doesn’t exist, this is a recipe for stress, frustration and burn out. 

Before you go all out on your next task, ask yourself what is really required. Use a ‘Gold, Silver, Bronze’ ranking system – your Gold tasks need to be close to perfection, your Silver tasks done well, and your bronze tasks just need to get done. Then allocate the appropriate time and effort to each one. Also, look for all those tasks that don’t need to be done by you, or don’t need to be done at all.   

 Not putting your Own Oxygen Mask on First 

Have you ever put someone else’s priorities above your own, and ended up having to work late to get your own work done? I think we’ve all been there. But it’s important to focus on your own priorities first, and then help others later. This isn’t being selfish, it’s being self-full.  

It’s also important that we teach people how to treat us. When you help others, but on your own terms, it builds respect and you’ll soon start to see people only coming to you when they really need your help, not just using you as the easy option.  

 To conclude  

 Identifying these barriers and taking some time to overcome them can be a real game changer for your business.  

 When you ask for the help and support you need; put the right amount of effort into work, and focus on your own priorities first, you’ll quickly start to see your results improve, whilst also gaining more time for other business-building activities, like networking and creativity.  

 Why not set a challenge this week to start thinking a little differently about how you approach your work, and enjoy the benefits this can bring. 

Melitta Campbell is an award-winning business coach who is passionate about helping to build and grow a profitable business. Her expertise comes from 25+ years of experience in communication, marketing, and leadership, including more than a decade of running her own successful business. For more information visit:  


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