Increase resilience to reduce stress in the workplace

We all know that too much stress is detrimental to our physical and emotional health. Unfortunately at work it also inhibits performance.

Work-related stress affects people's lives differently; for some, it leads to less creative thinking, difficulty making decisions, limited focus or sometimes obstructed communication.

Left unaddressed, it can become the fast-track to low morale, higher employee turnover and burnout - and according to the experts, the answer is to build up our resilience.

What does resilience in the workplace look like?

It is not that resilient individuals have fewer stressors at work, but rather, they are better equipped, through mental health training and cognitive tools, to manage the challenges they face.

Evidence shows that resilient employees engage in three specific behaviours, which help them remain focused and optimistic despite setbacks or uncertainty:

  • They don’t exhibit excessive negative emotions during difficult times

  • They have a consistently positive outlook even during failures

  • They deal with each difficult situation they face with ease

Of course, building resilience in the workplace is not going to happen overnight, but rather an ongoing process that needs to be developed over time.

How can I begin the conversation around mental health in the workplace?

Start first by highlighting the skills and strengths of team members. This is a great place to begin a productive and positive conversation around mental health.

Building on people’s strengths in the workplace, rather than trying to eliminate their weaknesses, led to a "12.5% rise in productivity, a 14.9% reduction in employee turnover and an overall increase in profitability by 8.9%: according to research from Gallup.

Using the strengths of employees as the foundation from which to build upon, is not only the most effective route to enhancing performance and promoting commitment, but it also reduces stress, subsequently enhancing health and happiness, and building more resilient organisations.

With these findings in mind, consider that many individuals may not be aware of their key personal strengths or how to use them effectively, and very few organisations are doing anything to address this.

What is the value of resilience to employers?

A resilient workforce benefits the business in so many ways. Facilitating resilience from a senior level promotes organisational resilience, making it a work-wide culture. This reassures and encourages employees to commit time for personal development to evaluate how they are managing their stress levels.

Resilience training also helps employers by:

  • Building a more open, inclusive and resilient workplace that attracts and retains top talent

  • Reducing absenteeism, presenteeism and long-term absence from work

  • Preventing unnecessary employee turnover

  • Building a reputation as an employer that truly cares for employees

  • Supporting sustainable performance and productivity with a 5-6x return on investment

What is the value of resilience to employees?

A person can only effectively develop their resilience with self-reflection. They need to consider the pillars of resilience and identify which areas they need to work on. Giving and receiving feedback in the workplace can help tremendously with this. The value to employees is also:

  • Greater workplace happiness and job satisfaction

  • Better job ratings, performance reviews, and promotion potential

  • Reduced absenteeism

Resilience training eases the burden of responsibility carried by employees and gives them the tools to manage challenges. Moreover, it encourages cooperation and collaboration, further reducing stress in the workplace, and encouraging others to be more aware of any warning signs that show an individual is struggling mentally.


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