How to achieve happiness in your career with an unstoppable mindset

Words by Terry Blackburn

You have to believe that you can have everything. You can have health, wealth, businesses, property, a great relationship, a great family life, be fit, eat well. You can do all these things at once – all at the same time. 

But if you want everything and you want that dream lifestyle, you have to be prepared for a lot of hard work and disruption in your current life, at least initially. 

If your life is nowhere near that right now, you have to be prepared to literally rip it up and start again. It’s not easy, but this is a big thing. Nothing big is easy to do and nothing amazing is easy to do. You might have 30 years, 40 years, 50 years left of your life.  

It’s a big thing that you’re trying to do, so it’s going to be hard.

Initially, it’s going to be difficult and there will be lots of stress and tears. Your subconscious mind will be telling you, “I can’t do it. I don’t know if you can do all this.” A lot of people think, I’m not smart enough to earn £100,000 a year or I don’t know how to buy 100 properties or run a big business. You may feel scared, and it may feel safer to cling on tight to what you know.

You’re not unworthy. You are worthy of whatever you want. You can do it if you want. You can have it If you want it.

Knowing what you want

In order to get to what you want, you’ve got to know what exactly it is that you want. I know that’s a really simple thing to say, but some people haven’t really thought about it in enough detail. 

You wouldn’t walk into Sainsbury’s and say, “Can I have some groceries please?” They would say, “What exactly? There’s a lot to choose from!” If you left it to them, you might end up with a basket of food you would never want to eat. 

You need to decide exactly what you want on your shopping list. The universe will then deliver, if you back it up with action and belief. So you’ve got to be really clear on what you want in every part of your life. 

So your goals and aspirations about the life that you want need to be as detailed as possible. It all starts by just getting a pen and paper and starting to write. 

I am conscious that if you are thinking, I need to change every single part of my life, you may be feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to do a million-and-one things. So, once you have broken this down into categories, just do one thing at a time from each category. 

Don’t try to eat well, train more, improve your business, and leave you partner all at once! If you try to change too much, you will either feel overwhelmed or you won’t be able to stick to it. So try to do one thing in each area of your life to make progress.

There’s no right and wrong way of doing this, but as long as you’re making progress that’s a good thing. If there was a one-size-fits-all list, everybody would have an amazing life by now and be living the life of their dreams. 

An important point to remind yourself of continually is that everyone who is now at the top once started at the bottom. There is no elevator to the top floor. You can’t just press a button, step in a lift and go up twenty-one floors of success without any effort. You can’t go from the bottom to the top quickly. Everyone would like to think that you can, but you have to take the stairs. You have to go step after step after step after step. All the little steps eventually take you to the top.

It may be tiring as you climb up each flight of stairs. At each level, you might pause and take a little break and recharge before you go up the next flight. It might take you 10 years to walk up all those stairs. You might crawl or get out of breath. Or you might be able to run up some flights easier than others. 

But one thing is for certain: you’ll get to the top if you keep taking the stairs.

Terry Blackburn is an award-winning entrepreneur and founder of seven successful businesses in property investing, mortgage brokerage and life insurance. He is also the author of BE A LION.


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