Finding a new you in a post-pandemic world

Words by Brad Burton

Amazing how your world can change in a blink of an eye.

A thought, a conversation, a global pandemic.

Arguably the most consistently stressful period for most of the world made compounding worse, as everyone was also going through it.

Those we would normally turn to for support, we didn’t turn to. After all they had their own things going on.

We all became islands, hiding in our bunkers. Locked down. Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

Some looked to Governments, and pharma to fix things, to make life better.

When the truth is you, too can change your entire world in a blink of an eye. The biggest change you can make is changing the way you think, reprioritising what is important to your life. Your mind. You get that right; you’ll get your business right.

People are lost. The old world is gone, and the problem is people are trying to return to it, a time, place and world that no longer exists.

No wonder they feel lost.

More than ever before, it’s time to rely on yourself.

You already have everything you need to change your world and life.

My thinking is shaped not only due to the difficult last few years but also by drawing on the 40 odd ones prior.

Each of us has been shaped and moulded throughout our life by our environment, those we are close to, not only the ups, and downs but also the wins and losses.

That’s Life. For you.

You, too, have been shaped and moulded based not only on your life experiences but by everything you have seen, heard and consumed, this cocktail has steered how you think and feel about the life you have built, and how it fits into the world you have constructed.

Two people can look at the same thing and yet see/hear something completely different.

Those people are you.

Think about it. There’s a good version of you and a not-so-good.

Take it from me, the not-so-good version of you will not go quietly.

That’s why change is difficult. This is the biggest fight of your life.

A fight for which you, YOU really are.

It all starts with belief. Believing you can make a change.

Look deeper within yourself so that you can pull out the relevance and learnings for you, your path, and your life, helping you to turn up the volume on that good version of you while starting the process of turning down the volume on your not0so-good version.

Imagine a world where you wake each day with a spring in your step, a positive outlook, a genuine joy for life, and a more can-do, less can’t-do attitude. It all starts with belief: the belief that you can make it - whatever it is - happen.

You have one life; let’s make yours. One of joy, contentment and a life that counted.

You know what choices will lead you where. It’s time to find, uncover and discover the new you.

Brad Burton is a motivational speaker and the founder of 4Networking. He is also the author of four books: Get Off Your Arse; Get Off Your Arse Too; Life, Business Just Got Easier and Now What?

He mentors hundreds within his private members group as well as quarterly self-development events. He also runs his own speaker agency, Speaker Seeker to showcase the best business speakers in the UK.


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