Can you find happiness on a shelf?

Words by Brad Burton

It’s funny this, I been giving this a real think through. We been conditioned for consumerism. Mad consumerism.

We pay a £50 for a £5 T-shirt because it has a printed logo on it. £5 T-shirt £45 logo. Just think about that, for a second. In fact, please read that T-Shirt paragraph again.

The average person exchanges five hours of their LIFE to buy a £5 T-shirt with a £45 logo to wear to feel good about their life.

Radical, I know, but imagine a world where you just felt good about your life anyways.

Honestly, would you still swap your life to get wrapped up in mad consumerism?

To be a pawn in a game up until this post you probably didn’t realise you was actually playing, let alone can’t ever win. It’s a useless and perpetual chase, chase, chase of a life and things that you believe is just around the next corner, if you aren’t happy now, you’ll not be happy when you turn the next corner, nor the next… I do love your £5 T-Shirt with a £45 printed logo, though.

Upon reflection, I’d rather not work the five hours, and go skim pebbles with my kids at the beach or spend it on something that actually matters or positively impacts my life.

Maybe at 49 I’m showing my age, or perhaps I’m showing my wisdom?

Be driven. Be ambitious. But above all, be happy.

When your drive and ambition, or pursuit of stuff is causing you problems, or allowing you to for a brief moment not think, about your problems, you just admitted you got a problem.

The way you fix problems IS by thinking about them, well about the solutions, it certainly isn’t BUY NOT thinking about them. When you constantly buying more stuff just to maintain “happy”, you may want to do something about that.

Lots for you to unpack here, after you’ve unpacked your shopping  of course.

Want to find your genuine happy? You won’t find it on a shelf, but if you have a good look, you may well find it in yourself.

 Brad Burton is a 4x best-selling business book author and Motivational Speaker and can be found


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