Leaving it at the door: When trouble at home becomes a problem in the office

Nothing ruins a good day at the office like a disaster at home - whether it’s yours or somebody else’s.

The little things at home can have big repercussions at work for you and your colleagues and we all face the challenge of finding the right work–life balance.

Despite our best efforts to leave personal problems at home, we’re not as good as it as we like to think. In fact, a recent survey suggests that the majority of UK employees have harboured concerns about the personal wellbeing of a colleague.

The figures, released by Totaljobs, found that millions of UK workers are bringing serious personal problems into work which is leading to a range of consequences both in and out of the workplace.

So what are the problems most likely to have an affect in the workplace, and who are your colleagues most likely to talk to?

The survey of 2,001 UK employees found that 71 per cent have had a reason to be concerned for a colleague’s welfare. Many people recognise these personal issues, with 57 per cent admitting they have gone through periods of difficulty that has impacted their own work.

A spokesperson for Totaljobs said: “Despite the fact that many employers have invested in programs to support staff, today’s findings suggest that there is a lack of awareness amongst the UK workforce about the provision that is available to them.

“It is concerning that so many people are soldiering on with personal issues and often feel they can’t open up until a colleague intervenes. We would encourage organisations to raise awareness of the support on offer and provide a safe, comfortable way for their staff to raise personal issues and minimise the impact on their life inside and outside of work.”

Trials and tribulations

Of those who said they had gone through periods of difficulty, the most common issue that UK workers appear to be bringing to work are:

  • Concerns around financial difficulty (50 per cent)

  • Depression (47 per cent).

  • Relationship issues (41 per cent)

  • Excessive drinking (16 per cent)

Over half (54 per cent) of workers say that their personal issues have led to them regularly making mistakes at work, with 2 in 5 (42 per cent) saying they have missed a working day as a direct result.

One in 8 (12 per cent) say that their personal problems have directly led to them leaving their jobs, with six per cent saying they believe their issues have cost them a promotion at work.

Psychologist Honey Langcaster-James said: “There has been a lot of discussion about the prevalence of mental health problems across the UK workforce, but these figures show the issues many people face are far broader.

“The issues that workers are bringing to work are in many instances being compounded by a sense that there is nobody they can talk to.”

What to look out for

The most prevalent indicator that an employee is experiencing difficulty is seeing them consistently staying late at work (59 per cent).

45 per cent say that witnessing a colleague regularly losing their temper was the first sign they were struggling with personal issues, with 41 per cent saying a co-worker has discussed financial or relationship problems with them.

A third (34 per cent) say they have a colleague who regularly turns up to work hungover and over a quarter (27 per cent) say they have a peer who they witness crying on a regular basis.

Getting involved

Over a quarter (29 per cent) of UK employees admit that an intervention from a colleague has led them to taking direct action to address their personal problems.

Encouragingly, it appears UK workers are swift to act when they notice a co-worker having issues – a quarter (25 per cent) say they addressed the issue immediately with the person they are concerned about, whilst over half (54 per cent) say they spoke to a colleague within a week of noticing that they weren’t quite themselves.

However, it is not always an easy conversation, as although 42 per cent of people who were going through personal problems feeling relieved by the intervention, a separate 1 in seven (14 per cent) admitted denying the issue when their colleague first broached the subject.

Three quarters (72 per cent) of people who spoke up for a colleague say that they felt their intervention had had a positive impact on the colleague in question.

48 per cent say they became closer friends with the person who spoke up for them, with a quarter (25 per cent) saying their colleague’s intervention was the start of a workplace friendship, showing that open dialogue often leads to positive outcomes.

Who might they talk to?

While many UK workers are dealing with personal issues, the research offers encouragement when people share their burden.

Although almost a third (31 per cent) admit that they keep their problem to themselves, the majority of employees look to share their issue.

Employees are most likely to disclose their problems to colleagues of the same level (39 per cent), followed by their line manager (34 per cent).

12 per cent of employees will choose to share their issues with a senior colleague who doesn’t manage them. The figures show that a mere nine per cent will head to their HR department as their first port of call to flag a personal issue that might be impacting their work.

Speaking up is often the first step towards a resolution. 39% of people say they have had a colleague express concerns about their wellbeing and 42% say they were relieved when someone addressed their issue with them.

“The positive takeaway from the research is that UK workers are often quick to act when they see a colleague facing difficulties, with a quarter acting immediately and over half expressing concern within a week,” says Ms Langcaster-James.

“So while many people are clearly battling personal problems, it is heartening to learn that so many employees are prepared to intervene to help a colleague. I’d encourage people who are struggling to feel confident that a trusted co-worker will be able to support them.”


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